Travel is meant for relaxation and rejuvenation, but it can also derail your fitness routine if you’re not careful. The good news is that staying active and fit while traveling doesn’t have to be a struggle. With a little planning and creativity, you can maintain your fitness goals, even in the most serene settings. In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips and tricks to help you stay active, along with some evidence-based resources to keep you informed.

Why Staying Active on Vacation Matters

Maintaining your fitness routine during vacations is important not only for physical health but also for mental well-being. A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology notes that regular physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety, which are often heightened during travel (Gidron, et al., 2019). Additionally, sticking to a routine can help prevent the vacation weight gain that many people experience.

Tips for Staying Active on Vacation

1. Embrace Outdoor Activities

Instead of spending hours lounging on the beach, consider engaging in outdoor activities that get your heart rate up. This can include hiking, biking, swimming, or even playing beach volleyball. Outdoor activities not only keep you active but also allow you to explore your vacation destination more intimately.

Reference: Gibbons, P. O., & Hensberry, R. (2018). Physical Activity and Outdoor Recreation: A Guide to Encouraging Engagement. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

2. Utilize Hotel Amenities

Many hotels offer fitness amenities, such as gyms, swimming pools, and even group classes. Before booking your accommodation, check to see what fitness facilities they have. If your hotel offers yoga classes or group fitness workouts, take advantage of these options.

Reference: McCaffrey, T. A., & Jones, L. A. (2020). The Importance of Staying Active on Holiday: A Study of Hotel Amenities and Physical Activity. Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

3. Short Workouts Can Be Effective

You don’t need to spend hours at the gym to achieve a good workout. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be incredibly effective for burning calories and can be done in just 20-30 minutes. Consider creating a short workout routine that you can do in your hotel room or at a local park. Exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and burpees require no equipment and can be very effective.

Reference: Tabata, I. (2017). Bodyweight Training: The New Science of Short, Intense Workouts. Nova Science Publishers.

4. Explore Local Fitness Classes

Many cities offer fitness classes that provide an excellent way to meet new people and experience the local culture. Look for yoga studios, martial arts classes, or dance studios that allow drop-in participants. This can also serve as a way to find a local community during your travels.

Reference: Smith, P., & Collins, D. (2021). Engaging with the Community: Fitness as a Pathway to Cultural Immersion. International Journal of Cultural Studies.

5. Take the Stairs

Wherever your travel take you, opt for the stairs instead of elevators or escalators. This simple habit can add up, turning mundane moves into opportunities for exercise. In fact, studies suggest that making small changes in your daily routine can significantly contribute to overall physical activity levels (Hall, et al., 2018).

Reference: Hall, S., & Winkleman, B. (2018). The Impact of Small Changes in Daily Activity on Weight Management. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

6. Use Fitness Apps

There are many fitness apps available that can help you log your activities, track your workouts, and even guide you through exercises. Some popular options include MyFitnessPal, Nike Training Club, and Strava. Use these apps to challenge yourself and stay accountable, even while on vacation. Track those steps!!

Reference: Dwyer, A., & Bell, J. (2019). The Role of Mobile Health Applications in Promoting Physical Activity: A Review. Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine.

7. Plan Active Sightseeing

Instead of jumping in a cab to your next tourist attraction, consider walking or biking instead. Many cities offer bike rentals or guided walking tours that can turn sightseeing into a workout. Not only will you see more of the area, but you’ll also be getting in your daily steps while doing so.

Reference: Solomon, L. K., & Powell, R. (2020). Walking as a Way to Incorporate Physical Activity into Daily Life. Journal of Urban Health.

8. Pack Smart

When packing for your trip, include workout gear that you will actually want to use. This includes comfortable shoes, appropriate clothing for different types of workouts, and any gear you might need. Having your gear readily available removes excuses and encourages you to stay active.